## Astroport.ONE
# Bash Web3 playground
TiddlyWiki hosting, programmable distributed data layer protocol & "step-by-step" blockchains DApp over IPFS
[![](https://ipfs.asycn.io/ipfs/QmNRGY44NnUwhAHeoXTnf31DxoMd84E8xwiBPywe8TQ8dE =360x)](https://qo-op.com)
Astroport.ONE is an educational web3 playground.
Choose a 0.01° sector. Provide an email to join this collaborative App. https://qo-op.com
[![](https://ipfs.asycn.io/ipfs/QmUtv5EtEQTDSrrZ9Va3XveXa2sJgMqou58NfMLm5tLpu3 =420x)](https://github.com/papiche/Astroport.ONE/blob/master/BOOTSTRAP/Readme.md)
________UPlanet contains 5 layers of nested keys_
Astroport.ONE adds "Boot Sectors" and PLAYERs datastorage into IPFS. It defines a primal key management system among IPFS nodes hosting TiddlyWiki on UPlanet sectors.
* Each TW can share Tiddlers with others on the same Umap and with other G1 Friends identified through Ğ1 web of trust.
* 20H12 process analyze key relations and operates data linking in "step by step" blockchains.
* ASTROBOT execute actions on specific Tag and interact with DUNITER blockchain and any App using ED25519 key addressing
Programmers can learn how to create Applications Templates on every derivated keys.
This "proof of concept" introduces an IPFS data layer on Earth anyone running Astroport.ONE can be part of.
Discovering IPFS is a mind blowing experience.
Content addressing and Public Key Infrastructure is replacing the old absolute path need with an infinite relative Information System
**Thanks to unique content and key addressing features Web3 has to offer, we are going to build a distributed information system.**
During this exploration, we'll discover key derivation, various sharing consensus and protocol validation procedures all through BASH scripts and other CLI tools in a P2P environment.
> Clone & Install [Astroport.ONE](https://github.com/papiche/Astroport.ONE)
## Consider creating a fork to submit your plugins
bash <(wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/papiche/Astroport.ONE/master/install.sh)
> * To explore VARIABLE relations and reverse engineer code
> ```cp ~/.zen/Astroport.ONE/search ~/.local/bin/```
> USE [```./search```](https://github.com/papiche/Astroport.ONE/blob/master/search)
## The BASH engine
### API server (1234)
This script runs the astroport daemon.
Based on netcat, it receives and sends minimal HTTP GET
#### Exploration
* [~/.zen/Astroport.ONE/12345.sh](https://github.com/papiche/Astroport.ONE/blob/master/12345.sh)
* [~/.zen/Astroport.ONE/API](https://github.com/papiche/Astroport.ONE/tree/master/API)
#### Explanation
This continuous running script is dedicated to receive, decode and execute API functions.
> TRY ONLINE : https://astroport.copylaradio.com
### SWARM engine (12345)
In order to communicate over IPFS, we settle for each NODE a self publish and discovery protocol.
[![](https://ipfs.asycn.io/ipfs/QmRoYQiktJRqgRW2BEUHP62UDeUumUApNZqd2SmZokVcwD =600x)](https://astroport.copylaradio.com/12345)
#### Exploration
#### Explanation
Each NODE is publishing self hosted data in ```~/.zen/tmp/IPFSNODEID``` directory. It regularly refresh ```~/.zen/tmp/swarm/``` to collect data from nodes connected through common bootstrap
### 20H12 runtime
In order to achieve blockchain next state evolution, every day each NODE runs various refresh tasks (best is based on real longitude).
#### Exploration
#### Explanation
During this period, Each NODE is scanning every local PLAYER account to detect key relations and apply various data engineering tasks.
Seek, Collect and Merge
* G1Voeu derivated keys and ASTROBOT actions programming
* Umap shared key management and DATA scraping
DApp feeding Programs
* Update UPlanet & Neighbours TW's + :star: https://gchange.fr + https://park4night.com + https://youtube.com + https://OpenStreetMap.org + ... any wishes :smiley:
#### Exploration
## The TW Data Layer
PLAYER creates a cryptographic key pair using EMAIL
He receives ZenCard & AstroID, its pgp PIN protected TW credentials. QRCode scanning delegate Key operation through a Terminal.
### UPlanet
In order to choose a "bloc 0" key, the planet is divided into 0.01° portions. This mesh will be used as anchors to define where TW is spreading data.
![](https://ipfs.asycn.io/ipfs/QmbPvgrtcWdV4PkpHZvZvAGL7ztuyqqr2UrS5GYr1J6YFC =480x)
![](https://ipfs.asycn.io/ipfs/QmWfCsfo1muraPPagu5LWiCU77Wz2mWNwCt3jZq7gjXjkc =640x)
![Distributed Information System](https://ipfs.asycn.io/ipfs/QmPjmMSto3sJcX9Mo6zgfmnCqDBkdG9kqyHzmSGxYm2Mdw)
# "Knowledge" and "Know-how"
# in a Distributed Information System
* Explore the tools [keygen, jaklis, gpg, natools](https://forum.duniter.org/t/il-manque-une-tdc-a-notre-tdc/10500/22?u=frederic_renault)
* [Manipulate CLI "tiddlywiki](https://github.com/papiche/Astroport.ONE/blob/master/RUNTIME/VISA.new.sh#L361)" for read & write TW as database
* [_chain & _moats](https://github.com/papiche/Astroport.ONE/blob/master/RUNTIME/UPLANET.refresh.sh#L282) time stamping and signature the blockchain essentials (search)
* Extend [TW Plugin & Tiddlers](https://pad.p2p.legal/s/TW#)
* Introduce IA learning on TW RSS and G1Tag Apps
* Develop and Extend [Terminal TPE functions](https://forum.duniter.org/t/g1card-un-systeme-pour-g1terremarches/11575)
* Synchronize UPlanet UMaps on [Sun realtime](https://github.com/papiche/Astroport.ONE/blob/master/tools/time2solar.sh) in 24s compute time
* Play with Quadratic Voting system
* Extend [VOEUX.refresh](https://github.com/papiche/Astroport.ONE/blob/master/RUNTIME/VOEUX.refresh.sh) and [UPlanet.refresh](https://github.com/papiche/Astroport.ONE/blob/master/RUNTIME/UPLANET.refresh.sh) processes
* ... Imagine your own DApp ... Transpose key generation ...
## G1Station ♥BOX
Each NODE running Astroport.ONE can join the core boostrap list using its own personnal domain.
[![DMZ & HTTPS PROXY](https://ipfs.asycn.io/ipfs/Qmcb7P2BWd75mBrz9tfnsRYGop8r6fKtZJznvSHoVzM58u)](https://git.p2p.legal/STI/Astroport.ONE/src/branch/master/OpenPORTS.png)
### BooStrap ♥BOX port forward + "[nginx proxy manager](https://nginxproxymanager.com/)"
![WHAT & HOW TO INSTALL](https://ipfs.asycn.io/ipfs/QmSD2tL5pgib9eQoFTABAas6SHamfZzZ749Sw8vQ4dRtSe)