# Polar01d CODE Run this 2 scripts at startup (/etc/rc.local) /home/pi/face_detect.py ``` #!/usr/bin/python3 ################################################################################ # Authors: Fred (support@qo-op.com) + Mark # Version: 0.1 # License: AGPL-3.0 (https://choosealicense.com/licenses/agpl-3.0/) ################################################################################ import cv2 import os import time import subprocess import numpy as np cascPath = "./haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml" shot_images_path = "./tmp/" processed_images_path = "./processed_images" #if directories dont exist, make them if not os.path.isdir(shot_images_path): os.mkdir(shot_images_path) if not os.path.isdir(processed_images_path): os.mkdir(processed_images_path) print("FaceDetect READY...") sleep_count = 20 while 1: files = os.listdir(shot_images_path) if not files: time.sleep(0.1) if sleep_count ==20: #print("sleeping ...") sleep_count = 0 sleep_count+=1 else: for file in files: # Get user supplied values imagePath = os.path.join(shot_images_path,file) # Create the haar cascade faceCascade = cv2.CascadeClassifier(cascPath) # Read the image #may read while image is not finished loading thus this work-around try: image = cv2.imread(imagePath) gray = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) except Exception: print("Could not read image... Retrying...") break # Detect faces in the image faces = faceCascade.detectMultiScale( gray, #scaleFactor=1, minNeighbors=1, minSize=(30, 30), flags = cv2.CASCADE_SCALE_IMAGE#cv.CV_HAAR_SCALE_IMAGE ) print("Found {0} face(s)!".format(len(faces))) #iterate through the found faces count = 0 for (x, y, w, h) in faces: x1 = int(x - w*0.05) y1 = int(y - h*0.1) x2 = int(x + w*1.1) y2 = int(y + h*1.25) #check if 'face' is really a face... check_gray = gray[y1:y2,x1:x2] check = faceCascade.detectMultiScale( check_gray, #scaleFactor=1, minNeighbors=1, minSize=(30, 30), flags = cv2.CASCADE_SCALE_IMAGE ) if len(faces)==1: #We found ONE face :D #reshape to print width and height and write to ./processed_images (img_h,img_w) = check_gray.shape fw = 384/img_w img_out = cv2.resize(check_gray,(0,0), fx = fw, fy = fw ) #brighten up the image added_brightness = 10 img_out = img_out +added_brightness img_out = np.where((255-img_out)<added_brightness, 255, img_out + added_brightness ) file_name = "./processed_images/face.jpg" cv2.imwrite(file_name, img_out) count+=1 os.remove(imagePath) ``` /home/pi/PolaEmma.sh ``` #!/bin/bash LED=5 BUTTON=21 gpio -g mode $BUTTON up # Initialize GPIO states gpio -g mode $LED out ip="$(ifconfig wlan0 | grep "inet " | awk '{print $2}')" echo "$(date +%Y%m%d-%H:%M:%S) emmapi $ip" > /dev/usb/lp0 while : # Forever do if [ $(gpio -g read $BUTTON) -eq 0 ]; then gpio -g write $LED 1 # TAKE 1st shot (+++ brightness) raspistill -n -th none -t 50 -fli auto -br 80 -co 80 -w 720 -h 480 -o /tmp/1st.jpg gpio -g write $LED 0 sleep 0.25 gpio -g write $LED 1 # LONG PRESS ? if [ $(gpio -g read $BUTTON) -eq 0 ]; then # TAKE 2nd shot (darker) raspistill -n -th none -t 50 -fli auto -br 40 -co 40 -w 720 -h 480 -o /tmp/1st.jpg gpio -g write $LED 0 # Inform 2nd SHOT to printer echo " " > /dev/usb/lp0 fi sleep 0.25 gpio -g write $LED 1 # LONG PRESS ? if [ $(gpio -g read $BUTTON) -eq 0 ]; then # TAKE 2nd shot (darker) raspistill -n -th none -t 50 -fli auto -w 720 -h 480 -o /tmp/1st.jpg gpio -g write $LED 0 # Inform 2nd SHOT to printer echo " " > /dev/usb/lp0 fi # Send picture to FaceDetect (takes approx 4 seconds) cp /tmp/1st.jpg /tmp/shot_images/shoot.jpg gpio -g write $LED 1 # Print 1st shot mogrify -strip -resize 384 -format jpg /tmp/1st.jpg python /home/pi/esc-pos-image.py /tmp/1st.jpg > /dev/usb/lp0 echo " " > /dev/usb/lp0 gpio -g write $LED 0 else #DO NOTHING sleep 0.1 fi done ```